The new Esperance Indoor Sports Stadium is a $7.8 million facility, a major construction program developed as part of the Greater Sports Ground Redevelopment. Completed in July 2020, the New Esperance Indoor Stadium is now open and enjoyed by the community. The Shire wanted to enhance the community asset by developing a mural on the building exterior. Apparatus was engaged to develop a curatorial plan, undertake stakeholder consultation, procurement and project management.
The Esperance Indoor Sports Stadium Mural project was developed to provide the Esperance community with an opportunity to work together with an artist to achieve a outcome that provides visitors to the Sports Stadium with a source of pride, and a sense of playfulness. In order to capitalise on the project and ensure there was significant community engagement, Apparatus applied for an received grants from the DLGSC anad regioanl Arts WA on behalf of the Shire of Esperance.
The applications indicated that the mural project would be a community engagement, community arts and cultural development exercise, including partnerships with local arts organisations, the Cannery Arts Centre & Esperance Community Arts, and facilitated by a young, experienced and talented, regional artist – George Domahidy. George delivered talks at the Indoor Sports Stadium and at a number of local schools inviting students to participate in design workshops at the Cannery Arts Centre and undertook Community Participatory Sessions.