Princess Wallington Community Parkland was developed by the City of Stirling as a place for all generations and ethnicity groups. The Princess Wallington Community Parkland (PWCP) project was designed by a project team lead by Ecoscape and will be constructed by MG Group.
The Arterial artist team, collaborated with the City of Stirling and the Project Design and Construction Teams to integrate the artworks into the parkland design and deliver them within the proposed program. Helen Curtis and Julia Robinson-White, Apparatus, curated and managed the project as the client’s representative and Art Coordinator. An important component of the public art project was the active engagement of the local community including facilitated workshop/s with North Balga Primary School and the Wadjak Northside Aboriginal Community Working Group. These workshops positively influenced the design outcome of the project. Apparatus was engaged by the City of Stirling to curate and manage the public art project.