Cottesloe Beach is a Western Australian icon, recognised as the most popular beach in Perth, and a place to go for visitors to Western Australia.
Apparatus was employed on the Cardno design team to undertake the public art and interpretive elements of the Cottesloe Foreshore Renewal Masterplan.
The Town of Cottesloe intends to redevelop the public spaces of the Cottesloe Foreshore in conjunction with the growing interest in private development. In addition, the Town desires to create a safe and vibrant public space that is sympathetic to its heritage as a place with significant social and Indigenous history.
The Interpretation and Public Art Plan identifies stories of Cottesloe and tells these stories through public art, street furniture, retention of historical artefacts, inclusion of photographic scenes in the built form, and interpretive signage.
Whadjuk stories played a major part in the Interpretation and Public Art Plan and a separate report, Sites of Aboriginal Significance: Research and Consultation, was prepared in collaboration and consultation with Whadjuk Elders specifically for this purpose.