Art is a wonderful tool in terms of assisting in the ‘healing’ process. It is a positive way to tell of the tragic and sorrowful consequences of past Government practices and it’s a way to lead people into a more positive future in so many ways. It’s also a very appropriate way to continue our traditions in terms of telling stories from a visual perspective – it’s almost like historical references from a visual perspective.
Hill is a Nyoongar woman of Western Australia. Multi-media and multi-disciplinary artist whose work is represented in the collections of the Art Gallery of Western Australia, the Holmes a Court collection and many others.
Hill works across various media, including painting, printing, mixed-media collage, sculpture, installation and public art. Having these skills has meant that Hill has been in constant demand as an arts worker and she has worked for a number of institutions including the Longmore Remand Centre, Curtin University of Technology, Fish Mungah Aboriginal Cultural Arts Festival, Geraldton Regional Community Education, Artsource, Edith Cowan University and Fremantle Prison, undertaking roles such as workshop presenter, lecturer, teacher and researcher.
She has worked collaboratively with Jenny Dawson on a number of public art projects (murals, sculptures and mosaics) for many different organisations including Djidi-Djidi Aboriginal Primary School, Koongamia, Melville and Mount Pleasant Primary Schools (2003-2004), Edith Cowan University (2004), Ferrara Park, Girrawheen, Moora District Hospital and Mandurah Community Health Campus (2005), Leighton Beach Redevelopment and Ellenbrook Police Station (2006). In 2007 she worked solo on the Ngunnawal Aboriginal Art Project for the Chief Minister’s Office in Canberra, ACT.